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Главная » 2013 » Октябрь » 3 » Happy Teacher's Day!
22:04 Happy Teacher's Day! |
The professional day of teachers finally is knocking at the door. Happy Teacher's Day to you! I wish success and all the best to my colleagues this very day. And congratulations go to me, too! Я рада, что ко дню учителя я смогла сделать немало успешных вещей и я рада за себя несмотря на все ... I am happy that I succeed a lot in this very short period of September - have created the site of my class, the site of my school english newspaper - SUNNY NEWS! Some pupils became the winners of different contests! I will tell about them a little bit later...I am proud of myself! Why not! I inspire myself even some people do want me to put down and do their best to create me incredible work situations. My heart will go on in spite of their nasty, disgusting staff and their ignores. And I cannot stop to be surprised at nothingdoers at school and the fact how they can live with image of a very intellegent women and with an image of alldoers. Disgusting stuff, but I am happy today.
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Добавил: colocolchic
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