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Главная » 2012 » Сентябрь » 30 » The International Translation Day at our school
23:21 The International Translation Day at our school |
Every year, the 30th of September marks the
International Translation Day (ITD) on the Gregorian calendar. Since 1953, the
International Federation of Translators (FIT or IFT) has promoted the
celebrations of ITD. In 1991, theInternational
Federation of Translators has established the
idea of officially recognizing an International Translation Day to demonstrate
the solidarity of the translation industry in an attempt to support translation
as a profession in various countries around the world and to emphasize the
efforts of translators everywhere. Every year, the International
Federation of Translators selects a theme for this
ITD and makes it officially known to the public. The theme for the year 2011
was ‘Translation: Bridging Cultures”. The theme for the year 2012 has already
been announced, which is "Translation as Intercultural Communication”. This
year, there is still an attempt to continue the facilitation of effective
cultural communication by means of translation to limit boundaries across
borders throughout the world. (the source http://www.danatranslation.com)Отмечая Международный день переводчика, в школе прошел конкурсный урок по переводу английских текстов на русский язык. Учащимся 8 и 11 класса было предложено задание по переводу текстов, рассказывающих о жизни и творчестве известных людей как Уинстон Черчиль, Уильям Шейкспир, Чарли Чаплин, Флоренс Найтингейл, Эрнест Хэмингуэй и другие. Лучшим и быстрым переводчиком признана ученица 11 класса Алина Павлова (на фотографии - третья слева в первом ряду)
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